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“You will Prevail”- Why Sundar Pichai’s Message is Important to All Students

We are living through unusual times. Educational institutions across the globe have moved to online classes. Graduating students from schools and universities are not..

Building Skills Outside the Classroom With New Ways

Universities have a number of societies (clubs) which you can join and Make friends, social etiquette and improving your language skills...

With changing times adapting to Canadian life

Life style has changed globally due to COVID pandemic, as a international student you need to know how life style is impacted in Canada...

What can you expect from International University Fairs?

International University Fairs are a great opportunity to meet with university representatives face to face and ask any questions you may have...

Studying abroad can save you money – as long as you know where to look!

It’s wonderful to go on student visa and be pleasantly surprised that the tution costs are generally so much lower than those in your home country...

How Do I Apply for a PhD in Malaysia?

The PhD is the highest level of degree certificate any student can achieve, and with its reputation for excellent PhD courses and facilities many international students are choosing the Malaysia...

How to Make Friends as an International Student

Life as an international student can often be difficult at times. Having to move away from your friends and family, finding yourself in the middle of a new culture and...